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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top 3 Brands With Best Tech Support

If you are going to spend the money to purchase a new laptop, then you want to make sure that the brand you buy is going to have the tech support to back it up. Laptops and some desktops aren’t cheap, and no matter how high-end the brand is, you are bound to run into some user issues. Instead of compromising to spend 3 hours on the phone waiting for a tech support agent or 4 days waiting for a returned email, choose to purchase your next laptop from one of the following brands noted for their excellence in customer service and tech support
Apple has long been the golden child of tech support, and the ought to be. If you are going to pay upwards of $2,500 for a laptop or desktop, then Apple better be sure to provide you with the support you need when you need it. One of the coolest features of Apple’s tech support is Express Lane which automatically identifies the problem your computer is having so a tech support agent can immediately assist you and do so accordingly.
Like Apple, Lenovo has repeatedly offered great service year in and year out. They have a great website which offers very informative answers to basic user problems and several online tools to help with troubleshooting, They even offer a remote log-on feature so that one of their tech support agents can directly fix any problems you are having.
Last year, Samsung left much to be desired by owners of their brands, but have since made great leaps forward to improve the tech support offered. In fact, they focused on increasing the efficiency and helpfulness of their tech support team so much so, that they now offer tech support services that rivalLenovo and Apple. You are now able to download step-by-step manualsphone lines, and a website full of tutorials and troubleshooting help.
While Samsung’s new tech support efforts may have a few glitches here and there, there are still a few brands that your should avoid at all costs. Acer/Gateway consistently offers the worst customer service and tech support around, and Fujitsu doesn’t offer anything much better. Always research a laptop and the brand behind it before you make a purchase. That is your money that you are spending, and you want to make sure that you get the most out of your dollar by getting a great product supported by a great brand.

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