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Friday, September 23, 2011

INDIA To Become No.2 Facebook Using Nation

The South Asian Nation and the Emerging Superpower, India, is set to become the World’s Second largestFacebook using nation. According to SocialBakers, the Facebook Statistics site, India now has 32.6 million people in Facebook and it trails behind United States and Indonesia.
Currently US has 154 million users while Indonesia has 39.2 Million. Interesting India has grown almost 50% in last 6 months, while Indonesia has grown by mere 12%.
If this rate continues, India will have 48.7 million users in next six months against Indonesia’s 43.9 million.

Why This is possible?

Yes, this is very much population if we see the fasinating facts about Internet penetration and usage of two great nations. (source:InternetWorldStats)
1. Population
India is a country with billion plus people against Indonesia’s 245 million.
2. Internet Penetration
India has 8.4% of population internet users, while Indonesia is far ahead with 16.1%.
3. Internet Users and Growth Rate
Both nations have impressive growth rate in terms of internet users from 2000 to today, and India has 100 million internet users against Indonesia’s 39.6 million.
All these data suggests that India is likely to overthrow Indonesia from second most Facebook using nation. Will India unseat US too? Quite possible. If the rate continues, India may bypass US in 3 years

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