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Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook Will Automatically Organize Ur Friends

At this point Facebook probably knows who your friends are better than your own mother does, so it's no surprise to hear that the social network is intending to help you save time by automatically organizing your friends based on their relevance to you.
The folks at Mashable report that they've acquired a series of screenshots which reveal that Facebook is testing out some changes to the News Feed. Among those tweaks and additions are lists which remind us a bit of the Circles found on Google+,  News Feed filters, and something called Smart Lists:
One of the most interesting aspects of the revamped News Feed is the addition of Smart Lists. Smart Lists automatically sort your friends into a work list, a list for classmates and a list for friends who live within 50 miles of your current city. This makes it easy to post updates just to your college friends or to talk about a local party with just your nearby friends.
Sounds great in theory, right? I'm sure that the automatically created lists will require some manual fine-tuning in order to truly reflect your interests and individual friends' significance, but they could certainly speed up the process of getting organized by providing a solid start.
Now, if only Facebook could start automatically creating clever status updates for us, too.

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