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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top 5 Incredible Inventions Of The Year

Medical Mirror

This is definitely a masterpiece of 2011 and the man behind it is an electrical and medical-engineering graduate, Mr. Ming Zher Poh from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The software is designed in such way as to capture the reflections from your face and seek out for vital signs on your face and then relate it to your heart beat. It also helps people with cardiovascular problem to control their cardiac health. All you need to do is, just stand in front of your mirror and Whack!!! You have your heart rate displayed over your reflection.

                                                                     Martin Jet Pack

A human being’s desire has no bounds. He wanted to swim like a fish, he invented submarines. He wanted to fly like a bird high in the sky, he invented airplanes. Well that was not enough for him and now he wants to move out from place to place like insects. Thanks to Glenn Martin who came out with this magnificent invention which has been scheduled to release this year. It’s a good news for all the travel freaks out there. This jet pack can make you hover at ease and go places at your ease without having to book tickets. This device still needs work to be done and hope you have already booked one for you.

                                                                           The Print Brush

This is probably the colorful invention of all and almost took him 11 years to come out with this. This little device which fits in your palm is capable of printing on any surfaces. All you need is to connect this device to your laptop computer and just see it do wonders. Amazed? Okay, here it is on how it goes. The device uploads pictures and text documents from your laptop and prints it on any surface – be it paper, wood, plastic or fabric. This device was invented by Alex Breton, a Swedish Engineer.

                                                  3D Tvs Without Glass

Just imagine how it feels it to watch a 3D movie on your home TV without those annoying, heavy and expensive glasses. Worth the entertainment, right. Well, thanks to those few people who already have given a thought on this earlier and are all set to give out this technology into the market. This is sure to change the way digital media is displayed forever. Thanks to the team from Toshiba who worked behind this amazing project. Though the demand is estimated to be low initially during its launch, Toshiba is confident of this TV becoming a new standard for TVs in the near future.

                                                            Driveless Car

Well, Google has actually come with a car which can drive on its own. Can you believe it? Well, even I was astounded for some time. True, Google has made use of a specially designed Toyota Prius for this wonderful invention. The sensor on the top of the car uses artificially intelligent software that senses what is around the car and responds to a given situation the same way a human does. Brilliant isn’t it?

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