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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Zoom Facebook Photos Just By Mousing Over Them

'm a big fan of anything that makes Facebook less of a hassle. Don't get me wrong--I like Facebook a lot, but certain aspects of the service can be annoying.
For example, when you're perusing your news feed, you might see a photo that's of interest--but too small to see in sufficient detail. So you click to make it larger, than have to click again to close it.
Hey, you don't have all day! And don't get me started on all that extra wear and tear on your mouse.
Fortunately, there's a way to enlarge Facebook photos without a single click. All you need is the right extension for your Web browser: FB Photo Zoom for Chrome and Thumbnail Zoom for Firefox.
Once installed, you'll discover a much easier way to interact with Facebook photos: just mouse over them. In other words, move your cursor on top of any photo in your news feed, then wait a second. Presto: the image appears full-size.
FB Photo Zoom
If you're a Firefox user, you'll be glad to know that Thumbnail Zoom also works with Amazon, Twitter, and loads of other sites that use thumbnail images. (Alas, Craigslist isn't one of them; for that, check outCraigsList Image Prefetcher.)
I've been using FB Photo Zoom in Chrome--and loving it. Definitely worth a look if you're a Facebook fan

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